William M. Woody and Catherine Woody

William Martin Woody and Catherine Amanda Wittel Woody,
proprietors of the Woody Hotel in Sweet. (see Hotel Photograph & History).
(photo courtesy of Kate Fredrickson, Woody researcher)
Woody News Items
10-03-1894: The Emmett INDEX says: "William Woody can probably lay claim to being the most successful onion grower in this section of Idaho. He has one acre in onions and the yield is considerably over a carload and will net him no less than $350. He will ship to Montana points. This should be a valuable object lesson to everybody as it demonstrates the profit there is in small, but thoroughly cultivated farms."
05-13-1909: IDAHO NORTHERN EXTENSION: Reports in Emmett that Town will start on Plowman Ranch. NAMPA, May 12.- E.H. Dewey, it is reported, recently purchased the Plowman ranch on the north side of the Payette River near where the Idaho Northern railroad will run. He has a camp established there and additional surveys are being made and grade stakes placed. The camp lies between Sweet and Marsh and it is believed a town will be located on the ranch. It is the belief of the conservative people that the road will be extended. Loads of supplies are going out daily. Moulton & Lively of this city have secured a contract for the erection of a hotel at Sweet for William Woody. It will be a 25 - room building. They will begin work at once.
08-23-1909: STATE NEWS IN BRIEF: The new hotel at Sweet, erected by William Woody, is nearly completed. It is modern in eveiy respect and will be equipped with all the latest improvements.
10-27-1909: News Notes of Emmett: William Woody of Sweet, owner of the new hotel recently completed in that place, transacted business in Emmett on Saturday.
06-08-1911: Want Road Up Squaw Creek Sweet and Ola Citizens Oppose Payette River Plan. Sweet, June 7. - Last evening at a special meeting in the M.W. A. hall at Sweet, to discuss the Boise, Ada County wagon road, the following delegation was elected: Dave Nichols, Z. Sweet, William Woody, L. Knowlton, W.A. Carpenter, G. H. Talley, Owen Dix, Charles Jenson and Charles Ireton. All the above gentlemen are heavy tax payers. Much discussion is going on by Boise County's people, and it is hoped they will survey the most feasible route up the Squaw creek instead of the Payette River. Ola's delegation was also present at the above meeting.
10-27-1911: Land Deal At Emmett. Emmett, Oct 26. - Jack Young has traded 50 acres of land near Emmett to W. W. Woody for 400 acres of land near Sweet. Mr. Young's land was put in at $30,000 for his property, while Mr. Woody was allowed $37,000 for his property. Young paying the difference in cash.
02-12-1913: EMMETT LOCALS. William Woody spent Monday in Sweet looking after his interests in that locality.
03-08-1913: HOTEL CHANGES HANDS Sweet, March 7. - William Woody of Emmett has exchanged the Woody hotel here for a 320-acre ranch at Hagerman. Valued at 520,000. Mr. Woody put the hotel in at 515,000, and paid the difference. Mr. Kvoko, the new owner of the hotel, has already taken charge. It is understood here Mr. Woody will move to Hagerman shortly.
11-26-1913: EMMETT PERSONALS. William Woody expects to move at once with his family to Hagerman, where he has purchased a ranch.
01-08-1915: EMMETT NEWS NOTES. William Woody of Hagerman Valley has been in Emmett for several days, looking after business interests and visiting friends. He may return next spring to his ranch here.
11-18-1916: EMMETT. William Woody of Hagerman is in the city looking after property interests.
10-15-1922: SWEET ITEMS. Mr. Inghram, who formerly lived in Sweet and whose daughter had charge of the Woody Hotel here, died September 27 at his home in Portland, Ore.
The Idaho Daily Statesman dated 05-04-1907: In Land Office: Homestead entries were filed in the United States Land Office yesterday by the following: Daniel W. Woody of Emmett, William Bartholomew of Chicago, and James McClenegham of Meridian.
The Idaho Daily Statesman dated 08-30-1908: Marriage Licenses. Daniel W. Woody of Sweet, and Marjorie G. Soule, same address
The Idaho Daily Statesman dated 09-12-1908: Rev. T. Y. Magruder, pastor of the Baptist church, spent a few days of the present week at Sweet and Dry Buck and on Tuesday married Mr. Woody and Miss Soule of the latter place. Both former residents of Emmett.
Idaho Daily Statesman, dated 03-10-1910: Caldwell, March 9 - Judge Sebring today pronounced the words that made Emmett Woody nd Myrtle Williams man and wife. Both parties are residents of Emmett, Idaho.
Idaho Daily Statesman, dated 04-05-1913: Emmett Personals, Emmett Woody with his family has moved to this city from Sweet, and expects to make this place their future home.
-- Courtesy of Kate, thanks for sharing!
(Sons Wesley, Dewey and Emmett, Dewey Woody)
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