Shropshire Homestead

Shropshire rock enclosure
In July 1911 Hiram W. Shropshire received the homestead patent on this land in Section 22, Twp. 9 North, Range 1 West, B.M. It's about four miles east from Big Willow Creek, in Payette County, and about half-a-mile east of the west Gem County line, "back side of the Butte."
As to the purpose of the above rock enclosure, who knows? It may have been a corral, although there is no visible gate. Or it may have been erected to keep deer out of hay stacks. Or . . .??
Pence-Mossman Road
Gem Co. Instrument No. 36514, dated December 10, 1910, declared Big Willow Road a public road, describing it as "commonly known as the Pence-Mossman road, running in a winding manner up the Big Willow Creek, "said road . . . used and traveled by the public for the last sixteen years, and as shown and evidence by the tracks and traces of men, wagons, animals and teams appearing on the said land."
© 2009 Sharon Ann McConnel. All Rights Reserved.
photographed in the late '80's.
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