Gem County, IDGenWeb project |
1872, A. H. Nesbett of Squaw Creek drowned while attempting to cross the Payette
1882, Squaw Creek mail route, ferry
1883, Matt Martin saw a man skipping out his back door, grub missing; believed to be Cottner
1884, Apr. - Carl Baird reports Smoke in dead of winter
1884, Apr. 25 - Abbott & Hornberger out for seeds; Carrol Baird lost cattle during winter;
volcanic fire, bad whiskey
1889, Feb. Desert Land, Final Proof, James Ballntine, witnesses" C. Gillet, F. Gross, F. Sheppard, William Otto
1889, Ireton discovered coal near quartz find
1890, May: Woman on Upper Squaw Creek saw 210 rattlesnakes and one race in two days
1890, July: Tally dies; Scoot Smith's house destroyed by fire
1891, "County of Butte" proposed
1891, May: Sarah E. Wilson filing for homestead
1891, Disappearance of I. E. Mahan
When Col. Dewey bought the Caswells' Thunder Mountain claims (east present-day Valley Co.) in late 1900, the rush was on - much of it through present-day Gem County. Ads from "Thunder Mountain News," April 22, 1905, courtesy of Steven Harshfield
Boise & Pearl Stage, T. B. Walker, Prop.
Millers, Ola & Miller's Store at Thunder City
Plowman's, Montour
Sults' Ola, Thunder City, Vanwyck Stage
Taylor House, Sweet, W. Taylor & Sons, Props.
see Valley County for the continuation.
1913, First Train Ride to the Ferry (Smith's Ferry)
1915, Earthquake
Prohibition, includes Arthur Hart's article and Local News Stories
1921, Thousand Gallons of Contraband poured into the Farmers Co-Operative Canal
1922 Pioneer Reunion, includes "First Things in Emmett" and Registration Book with the year each attendee came to Idaho.
1941, January 17: Idahoans Strike, Pearl, Idaho, 65 miners and muckers
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